food and diet

‘The Complexity of the Unsettled Infant… what I’ve learnt’ : Part 2

‘The Complexity of the Unsettled Infant… what I’ve learnt’ : Part 2

In more recent years it has become evident to both parents and healthcare professionals alike that the incidence of intolerances to varying components of our diet and/or chemicals in our environment has escalated exponentially. This, along with, alteration to gut microbiome, is considered by many to be the root cause of many an unsettled infant. 

Could Your Infant's Diet Be Keeping Them Awake?

Could Your Infant's Diet Be Keeping Them Awake?

Yes, it’s true: our baby or toddler’s sleep patterns can be affected by diet. Restlessness can be caused by allergies or food intolerance, sometimes to foods passing through your breast milk (your baby is never allergic to your milk), a specific baby formula or foods eaten.